Faculties (1)
Faculty of Mathematics
This Faculty has six departments; theory of functions; mathematical analysis; differential equations and functional analysis; algebra and geometry; probability theory and mathematical statistics; and theory of optimal control and approximation. Affiliated with the Faculty is a center that researches mathematical models.
The Faculty offers the following specializations: theory of functions, differential equations, functional analysis, probability theory and statistics, geometry, algebra and topology, theory of optimal control, extremal problems of approximation theory.
The Faculty trains specialists in different areas of mathematics. The best graduates do theoretical research and work on applications of mathematical methods.
Graduates are certified as mathematicians and teachers of mathematics. They work in various research facilities, specialized schools and institutions of higher education, and in the public schools. many graduates of the Mathematics Faculty have become well-known scientists and lecturers in the areas of theory of functions and differential equations and have contributed with their work to the development of contemporary mathematics. The Faculty participates in a number of international academic programs.
Faculty of Mathematical Cybernetics and Automation of Research
The Faculty has four departments: mathematical cybernetics; theory of systems; numerical analysis; and application of computer technology in natural sciences.
The Faculty trains specialists to introduce computerization and the application of
mathematical methods into various areas of scientific, industrial and social life. The
Faculty offers the following specializations: mathematical provision for automated
systems of planning, mathematical cybernetics, theoretical informations, automatization
of scientific research, application of mathematical methods in research in the humanities
and in economics.
Students receive thorough training in mathematics by studying mathematics (mathematical analysis, algebra, and geometry, differential equations, theory of probability, and mathematical statistics), theoretical cybernetics and subjects concerned with the use of mathematical methods (discrete mathematics, algorithmic theory and logic, complication theory, investigation of operations, optimization methods, computation methods). Special attention is paid to various types of computer work and to the study of languages and systems for teaching subjects relating to the fundamentals of programming.
Graduates of the Faculty are certified as mathematicians and can work in academic and scientific institutions and at various facilities which make use of computers.
At the Faculty scientific research is conducted within the framework of pure mathematics as well as in the areas of mathematical methods and computer utilization.
Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics Research
This Faculty has departments in mathematical methods in the natural sciences; computers
and programming; algorithmic languages; mathematics of computers; and applied analysis.
Various general and specialized mathematics subjects are taught. Students gain in-depth general knowledge of mathematics. They specialize in different fields of applied mathematics. Special attention is paid to languages (Armenian, Russian and English) and to the teaching of subjects that contribute to a student's overall development.
The principal areas of study in the Faculty are computer engineering, theory of algorithms and programming, computer mathematics, mathematical models of processes in the natural sciences, the development of analytical and numerical methods for their study, optimization, and applied analysis.
Graduates are certified as mathematicians as well as teachers of information systems. They go on to work or do research in various areas of the economy and in institutes of the Academy of Sciences.
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